What size santon to choose?
The multitude of details that characterize santons de Provence is part of a desire to create a realistic setting for a nativity scene. Given the variety of figurines available, many are keen to create a unique atmosphere representing a village with all its period trades. To create a realistic setting, it's important to choose the right santons. Traditional santons are on average between 7 and 9 centimetres. However, it's also possible to find miniature santons from 1 to 4 centimetres, or giant figures reaching 20 centimetres or more. The variety of sizes makes it possible to create stunningly realistic nativity scenes. How do you choose the right size for your santons? We tell you all about it in this article.
The size of santons, a question of detail
Beyond the fact that, depending on their size, the santons take up more or less space, their size is also a question of detail. Indeed, when santons are between 2 and 4 centimetres in size (also known as chip santons for the 2 cm ones), the details are not very visible, and it's hard to make out facial features, folds of clothing or even small accessories.
Santons measuring between 7 and 9 centimetres are the original figurines. In fact, they are the most popular and best-selling figurines. These slightly larger dimensions reveal more detail. Facial features, eyes, mouth and nose are more clearly visible. Clothes are better worked and small accessories are easier to insert.
The next size up for santons is between 10 and 15 centimetres. The details are even more pronounced, and the accessories more voluminous. In addition to the traditional faggots associated with santons measuring 7 to 9 centimetres, you'll see baskets, lanterns and bouquets of lavender.
From 20 centimeters upwards, the santons are truly impressive, not only for their size, but also for their realism. There's a wealth of detail, and the santon-maker's detailed modeling further enhances this impression of truth (the finesse of the faces, the draping of the clay garments and the postures of the models), helping to truly recreate scenes from life.
What criteria should I take into account when choosing the size of my santons ?
Choosing the right size for your figurines also means taking into account a number of criteria, some of which are illustrated below.
Choosing the right santon size for the space available
It may seem logical, but it's easy to fall in love with a giant santon in your 18 square meters. It's important to think about the surface area you have available in order to choose the right santon size. In a very small space, 4 cm chip or collection santons seem to be the best choice. They fit easily into small cribs. They're also the best choice for those who want a discreet crib.
On the other hand, in a large home or public place such as a church, shopping mall, etc., giant santons measuring over 13 or 20 centimeters are best suited. Visible from afar, they draw the eye with their realism and abundance of detail.
Choosing the right santon size for the crib décor
Unless you're making your crib to fit your santons, you'll also need to take into account the dimensions of the stable when choosing the size of the santons. Indeed, it would be a shame to opt for flea santons that wouldn't fit in a huge crib and, conversely, to choose giant santons in a stable that isn't big enough to accommodate them.
Choosing the right santon size for the desired perspective
If you're thinking big and decide to make a large crib with perspective, then you'll need to choose several sizes of figures. Figurines, objects and buildings, with the larger ones in the foreground and the smaller ones in the background to give a sense of distance. Be careful, however, to create several levels so that the larger figures don't obscure the smaller ones in the background.
Choosing the right santon size for your needs
And, of course, it's essential to give free rein to your imagination and your desires. The Christmas season is also a time for indulging in the santon(s) that we find most beautiful and most appealing.